Breath of the wild max heart dish +30
Breath of the wild max heart dish +30

breath of the wild max heart dish +30

You'll need to experiment to see what you can make and how that boosts Link A truffle, for example, will temporarily increase your maximum hearts, or creating a Chilly elixir will make you resistant to heat for a short period of time. Cooking recipies, star fragment, Blood Moon and dragon part bonusesīeyond cooking simple foods to restore health, different foods and items create useful buffs. You can cook between 1 and 5 items together in a pot and hold up to 60 meals and/or elixirs at any one time. This should only really be done in emergencies where you might need to cook raw meat to get your health back up. It's also worth noting that you can cook by setting fire to the environment, but don't expect to be rustling up a five-star dinner. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Now light the stove and watch the magic happen.

breath of the wild max heart dish +30

From the menu highlight the items you want and drop them into a cooking pot. You'll find ingredients all around Hyrule, ready to stash in your pouch. Instead you're going to have to cook to stay strong, create elixirs and reap plenty of other benefits. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has done away with finding hearts to replenish health. Cooking in Zelda: Breath of the Wild is about much more than replenishing health.

Breath of the wild max heart dish +30